The Consolation of Philosophy

by Boethius

Book IV.

Song IV. The Unreasonableness of Hatred.

  Why all this furious strife? Oh, why
With rash and wilful hand provoke death's destined day?
  If death ye seek — lo! Death is nigh,
Not of their master's will those coursers swift delay!

  The wild beasts vent on man their rage,
Yet 'gainst their brothers' lives men point the murderous steel;
  Unjust and cruel wars they wage,
And haste with flying darts the death to meet or deal.

  No right nor reason can they show;
'Tis but because their lands and laws are not the same.
  Wouldst thou give each his due; then know
Thy love the good must have, the bad thy pity claim.

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