This page lists the public domain works published at the Monadnock Valley Press, in reverse chronological order. A roadmap of future publications is also available.
2025-02-14: The Triumph of Life by Percy Bysshe Shelley
2025-02-12: Alastor by Percy Bysshe Shelley
2025-02-11: Julian and Maddalo by Percy Bysshe Shelley
2025-02-03: A Dirge by Percy Bysshe Shelley
2025-01-26: Life of Alexander by Plutarch
2025-01-05: Evangeline by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
2024-01-05: Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen
2024-01-05: Materialism and Idealism in American Life by George Santayana
2025-01-03: Two more poems by Louise Bogan: Dark Summer and Second Song
2024-12-20: The Prelude by William Wordsworth
2024-12-19: Songs of Experience by William Blake
2024-12-18: Songs of Innocence by William Blake
2024-12-17: Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man by Friedrich Schiller
2024-12-16: The eighty-eight sonnets of the collection entitled Amoretti by Edmund Spenser
2024-12-14: Nine poems by Henry Vaughan
2024-12-12: Sixteen poems by Abraham Cowley
2024-12-11: Eleven poems by Thomas Carew
2024-12-10: Thirteen poems by Louise Bogan from her 1923 book Body of This Death
2024-12-08: To the Pious Memory of the Accomplished Young Lady Mrs Anne Killigrew by John Dryden
2024-12-07: Upon Young Mr Rogers of Gloucestershire by John Dryden
2024-12-06: On the Death of Mr Purcell by John Dryden
2024-12-05: Under Mr Milton's Picture, Before His Paradise Lost by John Dryden
2024-12-04: The Tears of Amynta by John Dryden
2024-12-03: "I Feed a Flame Within" by John Dryden
2024-12-02: The Fair Stranger by John Dryden
2024-11-25: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
2024-11-23: Adonais by Percy Bysshe Shelley
2024-11-22: Lamia by John Keats
2024-11-21: Endymion by John Keats
2024-11-20: Ode on Indolence by John Keats
2024-11-19: Ode to Apollo by John Keats
2024-11-18: An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland by Andrew Marvell
2024-11-17: Twenty-one poems by Robert Bridges
2024-11-16: The Gallery by Andrew Marvell
2024-11-14: Bermudas by Andrew Marvell
2024-11-13: Lycidas by John Milton
2024-11-10: The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
2024-11-09: Sonnet to Byron by John Keats
2024-11-08: The Fall of Hyperion: A Dream by John Keats
2024-10-31: Hyperion: A Fragment by John Keats
2024-09-19: On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year by Lord Byron
2024-09-15: Letter to Hezekiah Niles by John Adams
2024-08-22: Argonautica by Apollonius of Rhodes
2024-08-17: On Translating Homer by Matthew Arnold
2024-07-20: The Tall Office Building Artistically Considered by Louis Sullivan
2024-07-20: The Significance of the Frontier in American History by Frederick Jackson Turner
2024-07-19: Address to the Federal Convention by Benjamin Franklin
2024-07-11: Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
2024-07-10: L'Allegro and Il Penseroso by John Milton
2024-07-08: Hamlet by William Shakespeare
2024-07-08: King Lear by William Shakespeare
2024-07-07: Macbeth by William Shakespeare
2024-07-05: The Library by George Crabbe
2024-07-03: Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare
2024-07-02: The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare
2024-07-01: Love's Labours Lost by William Shakespeare
2024-06-30: On Shakespear by John Milton
2024-06-30: Othello by William Shakespeare
2024-06-29: Two more poems by Ben Jonson: Inviting a Friend to Supper and To Penshurst
2024-06-29: Thoughts on Government by John Adams
2024-06-26: Of Education by John Milton
2024-06-24: The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare
2024-06-23: Cymbeline by William Shakespeare
2024-06-17: In Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus
2024-06-15: Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare
2024-06-05: Four letters from Thomas Jefferson to his nephew Peter Carr, dated December 11, 1783, August 19, 1785, August 10, 1787, and August 6, 1788
2024-06-04: Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare
2024-06-04: First Inaugural Address by Thomas Jefferson
2024-06-03: On True Happiness by Benjamin Franklin
2024-06-02: Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare
2024-06-01: Pericles, Prince of Tyre by William Shakespeare
2024-05-24: Titus Andronicus by William Shakespeare
2024-05-23: All's Well That Ends Well by William Shakespeare
2024-05-22: Henry VIII by William Shakespeare
2024-05-20: Richard III by William Shakespeare
2024-05-18: Henry VI, Part 3 by William Shakespeare
2024-05-17: Henry VI, Part 2 by William Shakespeare
2024-05-16: Henry VI, Part 1 by William Shakespeare
2024-05-13: Henry V by William Shakespeare
2024-05-11: The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius
2024-05-08: Two Gentlemen of Verona by William Shakespeare
2024-05-05: Henry IV, Part 2 by William Shakespeare
2024-05-04: Henry IV, Part 1 by William Shakespeare
2024-04-28: Troilus and Cressida by William Shakespeare
2024-04-27: Richard II by William Shakespeare
2024-04-19: King John by William Shakespeare
2024-04-14: Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare
2024-04-12: Four essays by David Hume on the Epicurean, Platonist, Sceptic, and Stoic frames of mind
2024-04-08: Of the Middle Station of Life by David Hume
2024-04-06: As You Like It by William Shakespeare
2024-03-30: A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare
2024-03-29: Coriolanus by William Shakespeare
2024-03-19: Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
2024-03-05: The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
2024-03-02: Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
2024-03-01: Sixteen poems from The Seventh Hill by Robert Hillyer
2024-02-24: Thirteen poems from The Buck in the Snow by Edna St. Vincent Millay
2024-02-23: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
2024-02-18: On Poet-Ape by Ben Jonson
2024-02-18: On Shakespeare by William Basse
2024-02-16: The forty-four Sonnets from the Portuguese by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
2024-02-03: The fifty-seven Delia sonnets by Samuel Daniel
2024-02-01: A dozen poems by Anne Bradstreet
2024-02-01: Eleven poems by William Cullen Bryant
2024-01-31: Fourteen poems from West-Running Brook by Robert Frost
2024-01-30: A dozen poems by Edmund Waller
2024-01-26: Seventeen poems by Thomas Traherne
2024-01-25: On the Grasshopper and Cricket by John Keats
2024-01-24: A dozen poems by Richard Lovelace
2024-01-23: Eight poems by William Collins
2024-01-23: Seven more poems by William Wordsworth: Elegiac Stanzas Suggested by a Picture of Peele Castle in a Storm, England and Switzerland, Most sweet it is, On the Extinction of the Venetian Republic, To the Cuckoo, To the Daisy, and To the Skylark
2024-01-21: Six more poems by Percy Bysshe Shelley: Art Thou Pale for Weariness, The Flight of Love, The Invitation, On a Poet's Lips I Slept, One Word Is Too Often Profaned, and The Recollection
2024-01-20: Five poems by Thomas Gray: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, Hymn to Adversity, Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College, Ode on the Spring, and On the Death of Richard West
2024-01-20: Prothalamion by Edmund Spenser
2024-01-20: Emerson by George Santayana
2024-01-19: Three poems by George Eliot: Brother and Sister, The Choir Invisible, and Self and Life
2024-01-19: Ten essays by William Hazlitt
2024-01-18: Are They Shadows by Samuel Daniel
2024-01-17: The Lady from the Sea by Henrik Ibsen
2024-01-16: Three essays by Albert Jay Nock: A Cultural Forecast, The Decline of Conversation, and On Making Low People Interesting
2024-01-15: Alabama Earth by Langston Hughes
2024-01-15: Three poems from The Tower by W.B. Yeats: Sailing to Byzantium, Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen, and Among School Children
2024-01-15: The Voyage of the Beagle by Charles Darwin
2024-01-01: On Discussion and A Philosophy of Handicap by Randolph Bourne
2024-01-01: The Sovereignty of Ethics by Ralph Waldo Emerson
2023-12-23: The Madman, The Forerunner, and Sand and Foam by Kahlil Gibran
2023-12-10: The Circular Letter to the States by George Washington
2023-11-24: Eleven early poems by Carl Sandburg: Chicago, Child Moon, Flux, Fog, Joy, Last Answers, Monotone, Sketch, Skyscraper, White Shoulders, and Window
2023-10-28: Four poems by Sir Charles Sedley: To Celia, To Cloris, Love Still Has Something of the Sea, and Phyllis Is My Only Joy
2023-09-07: Six poems by Robert Lovell: To Fame, To Happiness, To Health, To Sensibility, The Wish, and Written on a Journey
2023-08-21: After Blenheim by Robert Southey and You Meaner Beauties of the Night by Sir Henry Wotton
2023-08-20: Six singleton poems: Aurora by William Alexander, My Mind to Me a Kingdom Is by Sir Edward Dyer, My Days among the Dead are Past by Robert Southey, If you refuse me once, and think again by Sir John Suckling, The Character of a Happy Life by Sir Henry Wotton, and A Supplication by Sir Thomas Wyatt
2023-03-18: Two more poems by Ben Jonson: The Noble Nature and To Diana
2023-03-14: On First Looking into Chapman's Homer by John Keats
2022-03-14: Alexander's Feast by John Dryden
2023-03-12: Nine speeches by Abraham Lincoln
2023-03-07: A Letter to Anne by Langston Hughes
2023-03-04: Two more poems by William Cowper: The Poplar Field and The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk
2023-03-04: Two more poems by Lord Byron: The Prisoner of Chillon and When We Two Parted
2023-01-22: American Names by Stephen Vincent Benét
2022-12-26: 2022 annual report
2022-12-15: Seven early poems by Robinson Jeffers: Boats in a Fog, Divinely Superfluous Beauty, Fog, Joy, People and a Heron, To the Rock That Will Be a Cornerstone of the House, and To the Stone-Cutters
2022-12-14: Snow-Bound by John Greenleaf Whittier
2022-12-13: The First Inaugural Address by George Washington
2022-12-09: An Arrow against all Tyrants by Richard Overton
2022-12-05: Six essays by David Hume: Of the Delicacy of Taste and Passion, Of the Dignity or Meanness of Human Nature, Of the First Principles of Government, Of the Liberty of the Press, Of the Origin of Government, and Of Superstition and Enthusiasm
2022-11-30: Does 'Consciousness' Exist? and The Moral Equivalent of War by William James
2022-11-25: Hadji Murad by Leo Tolstoy
2022-10-30: The Ethics by Baruch Spinoza
2022-10-12: Three essays by John Burroughs: Another Word on Thoreau, Emerson, and The Flight of the Eagle (on Walt Whitman)
2022-10-02: Thirty-odd poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
2022-09-30: Six early poems by Laura Riding: And a Poor Prayer, As Well As Any Other, Dimensions, Many Gentlemen, The Poet's Corner, and The Quids
2022-09-17: "Apology for Raymond Sebond" by Michel de Montaigne
2022-08-26: The Death of Lincoln, a little-known poem by Henrik Ibsen
2022-08-22: The Exhilarations of the Road by John Burroughs
2022-08-20: Giordano Bruno, Paris by Walter Pater
2022-08-20: Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
2022-08-15: The Banquet of the Seven Wise Men and That a Philosopher Ought Chiefly to Converse with Great Men by Plutarch
2022-08-12: An Outpost of Progress by Joseph Conrad
2022-08-06: The Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle
2022-08-04: Autobiography by John Stuart Mill
2022-07-31: Works and Days by Hesiod
2022-07-22: Five more poems by Sir Walter Raleigh
2022-07-17: Adam Bede by George Eliot
2022-07-11: The Passionate Shepherd to His Love by Christopher Marlowe along with The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd, a response by Sir Walter Raleigh
2022-07-10: Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles
2022-07-09: Oedipus the King by Sophocles
2022-07-04: Three short stories by E.M. Forster: The Celestial Omnibus, The Machine Stops, and The Other Side of the Hedge
2022-07-03: Two poems from The Hills Give Promise by Robert Hillyer
2022-06-20: Selected poems from Sonnets and Other Lyrics and The Five Books of Youth by Robert Hillyer
2022-06-27: Fourteen poems from Dark of the Moon by Sara Teasdale
2022-06-26: The Phoenix and the Turtle by William Shakespeare
2022-06-25: Two more poems by Thomas Campion: The Man of Life Upright and My Sweetest Lesbia
2022-06-19: Forty-odd poems selected from the first four books published by Sara Teasdale in the years 1911-1920
2022-05-24: Seven sonnets by John Milton
2022-05-24: The Book of Tea by Kakuzo Okakura
2022-05-22: Ten poems by Emma Lazarus
2022-05-20: The Rape of Lucrece by William Shakespeare
2022-05-19: A Lover's Complaint by William Shakespeare
2022-05-15: Venus and Adonis by William Shakespeare
2022-05-14: Thirteen poems by William Cowper
2022-04-15: Fifteen poems by Matthew Arnold
2022-04-13: The Autobiography of Charles Darwin
2022-04-09: O Pioneers! by Willa Cather
2022-03-29: Eight poems by Ben Jonson: An Elegy, In the Person of Womankind, My Picture Left in Scotland, On My First Daughter, On My First Son, Slow, Slow, Fresh Fount, To Celia, and To the memory of my beloved, The AUTHOR Mr. William Shakespeare: And what he hath left us
2022-03-29: Rosmersholm by Henrik Ibsen
2022-03-26: A selection of poems from Hesperides by Robert Herrick
2022-03-14: The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
2022-03-13: The Moral Philosopher and the Moral Life by William James
2022-03-13: Bartleby, The Scrivener by Herman Melville
2022-03-12: Twenty-odd poems from Harmonium by Wallace Stevens
2022-03-10: The Apology by Xenophon
2022-03-10: Eight poems by Langston Hughes originally published in 1926: Young Sailor, Love Song for Lucinda, New Year, Autumn Note, To Beauty, Walls, Midnight Dancer, Ardella
2022-03-05: Heroic Stanzas on the Death of Oliver Cromwell by John Dryden
2022-02-13: Treatise On Tolerance by Voltaire
2022-02-13: The Aeneid by Virgil as translated by John Dryden
2022-02-13: The Great Learning, traditionally attributed to Confucius
2022-02-12: The Nature of Things by Lucretius
2022-01-26: Our Composite Nation by Frederick Douglass
2022-01-25: Two more poems by Henry David Thoreau: Brother Where Dost Thou Dwell and I Seek the Present Time
2022-01-24: Eight more poems by Henry David Thoreau: The Fall of the Leaf, Haze, I Mark the Summer's Swift Decline, The Inward Morning, The Moon, The Moon Now Rises to Her Absolute Rule, The Rabbit Leaps, and Sometimes I Hear the Veery's Clarion
2022-01-23: Seven more poems by Henry David Thoreau: The "Book of Gems", May Morning, The Poet's Delay, Pray to What Earth Does This Sweet Cold Belong, The Vireo, Walden, and When Breathless Noon Hath Paused on Hill and Vale
2022-01-22: Eight more poems by Henry David Thoreau: At Midnight's Hour I Raised My Head, Forever in My Dream and in My Morning Thought, Great Friend, It Is a Real Place, Manhood, Music, On Fields O'er Which the Reaper's Hand Has Passed, and To a Marsh Hawk in Spring
2022-01-21: Pragmatism by William James
2022-01-19: Paradise Lost by John Milton
2022-01-13: The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri as translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
2022-01-11: Paul Revere's Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
2022-01-08: The poem Demos and Dionysius by Edwin Arlington Robinson
2022-01-04: Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
2022-01-01: 2021 annual report
2021-12-26: The Odyssey of Homer as translated by Alexander Pope
2021-12-16: The Qualifications of Friendship by Joseph Addison
2021-12-01: Is Life Worth Living? by William James
2021-11-21: Plato's Dream by Voltaire
2021-11-12: The Iliad of Homer as translated by Alexander Pope
2021-10-22: On Not Knowing Greek by Virginia Woolf
2021-10-15: George Eliot and The Patron and the Crocus by Virginia Woolf
2021-10-08: Jane Austen and Montaigne by Virginia Woolf
2021-10-03: The Wild Duck by Henrik Ibsen
2021-09-17: Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
2021-07-14: Two poems from Dionysius in Doubt by Edwin Arlington Robinson
2021-06-27: Four poems by Alexander Pope: Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady, Eloisa to Abelard, Ode on St. Cecilia's Day, and Ode on Solitude
2021-01-20: The True History and Timon the Misanthrope by Lucian
2021-01-20: Philosophies for Sale by Lucian
2021-01-18: The Cynic and Zeus Cross-Examined by Lucian
2021-01-18: Five poems by Langston Hughes originally published in 1925: The Dream Keeper, Song, I, Too, Poem (To F.S.), Minstrel Man
2021-01-01: 2020 annual report
2020-12-14: Declaration of Rights by Thomas Paine
2020-12-13: Ten more poems by John Donne
2020-12-13: The History of Freedom in Antiquity and The History of Freedom in Christianity by Lord Acton
2020-12-07: Four poems by John Donne
2020-11-27: "Of Experience" by Michel de Montaigne
2020-11-22: A selection of shorter poems by Lord Byron
2020-11-20: Inaugural Address and The Contest in America by John Stuart Mill
2020-11-20: Transcendental Wild Oats by Louisa May Alcott
2020-11-16: Thoreau's Flute by Louisa May Alcott
2020-11-10: "Of Managing the Will" by Michel de Montaigne
2020-11-07: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
2020-10-29: The Way to Wealth by Benjamin Franklin
2020-10-28: Six early poems by Langston Hughes: The Negro Speaks of Rivers, My Loves, Dreams, Winter Moon, Gods, Dream Variations
2020-10-23: "Of Three Commerces or Societies" by Michel de Montaigne
2020-10-17: Selected poems from Avon's Harvest by Edwin Arlington Robinson
2020-10-02: Selected poems from A Channel Passage and Other Poems by Algernon Charles Swinburne
2020-10-01: Selected poems from Astrophel and Other Poems by Algernon Charles Swinburne
2020-09-30: Selected poems from Poems and Ballads, Third Series by Algernon Charles Swinburne
2020-09-29: Selected poems from A Century of Roundels and A Midsummer Holiday and Other Poems by Algernon Charles Swinburne
2020-09-29: Counsels and Maxims by Arthur Schopenhauer
2020-09-27: Edmond Rostand's play Cyrano de Bergerac as translated by Brian Hooker
2020-09-27: Selected poems from Songs of the Springtides and Studies in Song as well as Athens: An Ode, by Algernon Charles Swinburne
2020-09-15: Selected poems from Poems and Ballads, Songs Before Sunrise, and Poems and Ballads, Second Series by Algernon Charles Swinburne
2020-09-12: Astrophil and Stella, a cycle of sonnets by Philip Sidney
2020-08-21: Three more essays by Michel de Montaigne: "That We Taste Nothing Pure", "Of Virtue", and "Of Anger"
2020-08-20: "Of the Art of Conversation" by Michel de Montaigne
2020-08-08: Eighteen additional poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson
2020-08-07: Elegy ("My prime of youth is but a frost of cares") by Chidiock Tichborne
2020-08-04: On Reading and Books and Wisdom of Life by Arthur Schopenhauer
2020-04-18: An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen
2020-04-17: On Liberty by John Stuart Mill
2020-04-16: Selected poems from New Hampshire by Robert Frost, plus a reorganization of previously published Frost poems
2020-04-10: Selected poems from The Man Against the Sky and The Three Taverns by Edwin Arlington Robinson
2020-04-09: Selected poems from The Children of the Night by Edwin Arlington Robinson
2020-01-14: WE by Yevgeny Zamyatin
2020-01-01: The Farewell Address by George Washington
2019-12-22: Epinomis, Minos, and Second Alcibiades by Plato
2019-12-16: "A Custom of the Isle of Cea" and "Of Exercise or Practice" by Michel de Montaigne
2019-12-14: "That the Taste of Good and Evil Depends in Large Part on the Opinion We Have of Them" and "That to Philosophize is to Learn to Die" by Michel de Montaigne
2019-12-13: "Of Democritus and Heraclitus" and "Of a Saying of Caesar's" by Michel de Montaigne
2019-12-12: "A Consideration upon Cicero" and "Of the Inequality that is Between Us" by Michel de Montaigne
2019-12-09: "Of Cato the Younger" and "Of Solitude" by Michel de Montaigne
2019-12-05: Theaetetus by Plato
2019-12-01: Parmenides and Timaeus by Plato
2019-11-19: Ion, Euthydemus, Menexenus, and Critias by Plato
2019-11-17: The Harp-Weaver and Other Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay
2019-11-16: Hippias Major and Hippias Minor by Plato
2019-11-15: Protagoras by Plato
2019-09-19: First Alcibiades by Plato
2019-09-18: Hipparchus and Clitophon by Plato
2019-05-22: Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen
2019-05-21: Six odes by John Keats
2019-05-20: Selected poems by William Wordsworth
2019-05-16: More poems by W.B. Yeats
2019-04-28: Epithalamion by Edmund Spenser
2019-01-20: Five poems by Willa Cather
2019-01-05: The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
2019-01-03: The Conduct of Life by Ralph Waldo Emerson
2019-01-01: Various poems by George Santayana
2018-12-31: The Moral Letters to Lucilius by Seneca
2018-12-30: Eleven soliloquies by George Santayana
2018-07-05: Essays: Second Series by Ralph Waldo Emerson
2018-07-04: Waiting and What Life Means to Me by John Burroughs
2018-06-24: Six more essays by Michel de Montaigne: "Of the Education of Children", "Of Idleness", "Of Liars", "That the Intention Is Judge of Our Actions", "That Men Are Not to Judge of Our Happiness till after Death", and "That the Soul Expends its Passions upon False Objects, Where the True Are Wanting"
2017-01-22: Ascent of Mount Ventoux by Petrarch
2017-01-04: 2016 annual report
2016-12-04: On Epictetus and Montaigne by Blaise Pascal
2016-11-27: A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers by Henry David Thoreau along with an essay on Thoreau by Virginia Woolf
2015-12-31: 2015 annual report
2015-04-18: The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
2015-03-20: A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen
2015-02-05: I Do Not Fear My Thoughts Will Die by Henry David Thoreau
2015-01-22: Ode ("The Music-Makers") by Arthur O'Shaughnessy
2015-01-01: 2014 annual report
2014-12-26: The American Scholar and The Transcendentalist by Ralph Waldo Emerson
2014-12-25: Ktaadn, Chesuncook, and The Allegash and the East Branch by Henry David Thoreau
2014-06-14: Last Poems by A.E. Housman
2014-05-05: Several works by Henry David Thoreau: Autumnal Tints, The Succession of Forest Trees, and his Letters to Harrison Blake
2014-04-26: Twenty poems by Henry David Thoreau
2014-04-25: A Winter Walk by Henry David Thoreau and the Eulogy on Thoreau by Ralph Waldo Emerson
2014-03-20: To celebrate the birthday of Henrik Ibsen, republished the first of his modern prose dramas: Pillars of Society
2014-02-19: The Maxims and Reflections of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
2014-02-01: Four poems by W.B. Yeats first published in 1899: The Song of the Old Mother, The Fiddler of Dooney, The Heart of the Woman, and A Poet to His Beloved
2014-01-31: Seven poems by W.B. Yeats first published in 1919: On Being Asked for a War Poem, The Cat and the Moon, The Fisherman, An Irish Airman Foresees His Death, Men Improve with the Years, The Scholars, and The Second Coming
2014-01-01: 2013 annual report
2013-09-02: Published our first printed book: Anthem: The Definitive Text by Ayn Rand (also available in a Kindle version)
2013-07-04: The American Crisis by Thomas Paine
2013-06-23: Two poems by the American cowboy poet Badger Clark: The Plainsmen and The Westerner
2013-05-29: Five poems by Shelley: The Cloud, Ode to Liberty, Music, When Soft Voices Die, Ozymandias, and To a Skylark
2013-04-28: In Memoriam A. H. H. by Alfred Tennyson
2013-04-28: Wild Apples by Henry David Thoreau
2013-04-28: Thoreau by Charles Ives
2013-04-27: Below the Battle and H.L. Mencken by Randolph Bourne
2013-03-09: Seven poems by Alfred Tennyson: Break, Break, Break, The Charge of the Light Brigade, Crossing the Bar, Ring Out, Wild Bells, Tears, Idle Tears, Tithonus, and Ulysses
2013-03-08: The Dodging of Pressures by Randolph Bourne
2013-02-26: In celebration of Victor Hugo's birthday, published four poems in his honor: To Victor Hugo by Alfred Tennyson and To Victor Hugo, To Victor Hugo, and Victor Hugo in 1877 by Algernon Charles Swinburne
2013-01-04: The Necessity of Atheism by Percy Bysshe Shelley
2013-01-03: The Masque of Anarchy and Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley
2013-01-03: A Free Man's Worship by Bertrand Russell
2013-01-01: 2012 annual report
2012-12-07: For the Feast of Giordano Bruno, Philosopher and Martyr and The Monument of Giordano Bruno by Algernon Charles Swinburne, along with Lucretius and Two Voices by Alfred Tennyson
2012-11-25: The Maxims of François de La Rochefoucauld
2012-10-09: The Art of Worldly Wisdom by Baltasar Gracián
2012-09-30: Alexander the Oracle-Monger and Hermotimus or The Rival Philosophers by Lucian
2012-07-25: The Craftsman by Rudyard Kipling
2012-07-12: A Walk to Wachusett by Henry David Thoreau
2012-07-10: Of the Sense of Propriety by Adam Smith
2012-07-05: What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? by Frederick Douglass
2012-06-22: The Enchiridion of Epictetus
2012-05-27: A Summary View of the Rights of British America by Thomas Jefferson
2012-04-15: Three poems in Sapphic meter: Come, Let Us Sound With Melody by Thomas Campion, Lines Written During a Period of Insanity by William Cowper, and Sapphics by Algernon Charles Swinburne
2012-04-13: The Lighthouse Keeper by Henryk Sienkiewicz
2012-03-19: John Brown by Frederick Douglass
2012-03-18: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave by Frederick Douglass
2012-02-13: Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln by Frederick Douglass
2012-02-07: Alexander's Bridge by Willa Cather
2012-02-07: Lady Susan by Jane Austen
2012-01-09: The Subjection of Women by John Stuart Mill
2011-12-21: The Concord Hymn by Ralph Waldo Emerson
2011-12-21: Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott
2011-12-21: Three essays by George Santayana: English Liberty in America, The Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy, and Lucretius
2011-10-07: The Junto by Benjamin Franklin
2011-10-02: The Bohemian Girl by Willa Cather
2011-09-16: A new translation of the Letter to Menoikeus by Epicurus
2011-09-04: Two essays by Frédéric Bastiat: The Broken Window and The Candlemakers' Petition
2011-09-04: The Opinion against the Constitutionality of a National Bank by Thomas Jefferson
2011-09-03: Two letters by Thomas Jefferson, to Isaac McPherson (on patents and copyrights) and to William Short (on Epicurus)
2011-09-03: Fourteen poems by Emily Dickinson
2011-08-29: Review of Thoreau's Walden by George Eliot
2011-08-27: Letters on the English by Voltaire
2011-08-21: On the Chief Good and Evil by Cicero
2011-08-07: New translations of four poems by Sappho
2011-07-31: Of Friendship by Francis Bacon and the Second Treatise on Government by John Locke
2011-07-04: What Is an American by J. Hector St. Jean de Crevecoeur, Information to Those Who Would Remove to America by Benjamin Franklin, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death by Patrick Henry, and On Being an American by H.L. Mencken
2011-05-14: A new translation of some Selected Fragments by Epicurus
2011-04-23: A Shropshire Lad by A.E. Housman
2011-02-09: Walden by Henry David Thoreau
2011-01-24: On a Certain Blindness in Human Beings and What Makes a Life Significant by William James
2011-01-23: If by Rudyard Kipling, and What Life Means to Me by Jack London
2011-01-20: The rough draft of the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson
2011-01-01: A new translation of the Vatican Sayings by Epicurus
2010-11-28: Self-Made Men by Frederick Douglass
2010-11-22: Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand
2010-11-21: Historia Calamitatum by Peter Abélard
2010-11-20: Eric Hermannson's Soul by Willa Cather
2010-11-14: New translations of thirteen odes by Horace
2010-11-03: Letter Concerning Toleration by John Locke
2010-10-31: Preface to Cromwell by Victor Hugo
2010-10-24: On Friendship by Cicero
2010-10-23: Four works by Mark Twain: The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, What Is Man?, and Eve's Diary; plus two Twain-influenced works by H.L. Mencken: Twain's Americanism and The American Credo
2010-10-22: The Fair Singer by Andrew Marvell
2010-09-30: Walking by Henry David Thoreau
2010-01-02: The original 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
2009-12-30: The Liberty of Ancients Compared with that of Moderns by Benjamin Constant
2009-12-30: The Right to Ignore the State by Herbert Spencer
2009-12-30: Common Sense by Thomas Paine
2009-12-26: Of Friendship by Michel de Montaigne, along with the Discourse on Voluntary Servitude by his friend Étienne de La Boétie
2009-12-08: The Jefferson Bible, collected by Thomas Jefferson
2009-11-29: The Sonnets of Shakespeare
2009-11-01: The original version of The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr.
2009-03-19: Three early poetry collections by Robert Frost: A Boy's Will, North of Boston, and Mountain Interval
2009-03-17: On the Origin of Money by Carl Menger
2009-03-17: Areopagitica by John Milton
2009-03-16: Three essays by Randolph Bourne: The Excitement of Friendship, The War and the Intellectuals, and War is the Health of the State
2009-01-01: A new translation of the Principal Doctrines by Epicurus
2008-06-15: No Treason by Lysander Spooner
2008-06-07: Democratic Vistas by Walt Whitman
2008-06-06: The Gray Champion by Nathaniel Hawthorne
2008-06-01: Three more essays by Henry David Thoreau: Life Without Principle, A Plea for Captain John Brown, and Slavery in Massachusetts
2008-05-18: Three poetry collections by Edna St. Vincent Millay: Renascence and Other Poems, A Few Figs from Thistles, and Second April
2008-01-20: The remainder of Essays: First Series by Ralph Waldo Emerson: Compensation, Spiritual Laws, Love, Friendship, Prudence, Heroism, The Over-Soul, Circles, Intellect, and Art
2008-01-19: History, Monadnoc, and Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson; The Definition of Love, A Dialogue between the Soul and the Body, The Garden, Music's Empire, On a Drop of Dew, To His Coy Mistress, and Young Love by Andrew Marvell
2008-01-18: Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau and The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche
2008-01-01: Site launched with publication of Anthem by Ayn Rand